To achieve its objectives the Association:
One of our main goals is to fight corruption and achieve open and responsible governance. In 2004-2006 under the Phare Program “Civil Society Development 2002” with assignor – the Ministry of Finance, we introduce for the first time in Bulgaria the Bulgarian model of public – private partnership for combating corruption “, Within the framework of the project we – NALILG (currently NALIOG), developed Strategies for intervention in building transparency at the central level through the tools of public-private partnership (Integrity Pact), tools for monitoring and control for contracting authorities (state institutions) and evaluation by contractors (business), professional anti-corruption training package and organized the First National Conference on the Bulgarian Model of the Integrity Pact.
Transparent and accountable management of public finances is the key corner for achieving open government and combating corruption. In this regard, part of the sustainable policy of NALIOG, established over the years, is supporting the dialogue between citizens and the public administration. Our organization has been a consultant to the Municipality of Montana under the contract “Capacity building activities for foreign actions of the European Community”. Under the contract NALILG (currently NALIOG) successfully developed an analysis of the legal framework of the municipality from the Structural and Cohesion Funds Recommendations were given for the application of the municipality under the current grant schemes of the European Union, other than the operational programs.