Help achieve higher specialization of expertise in the management of the resources and funds under the EU Structural and Cohesion Fund.

Non-profit organization, whose members are professionals in the public procurement, public-private partnership and concessions, idea sharing and transparency.

Main goals
To reduce corruption risks and prevention of corruption in the allocation of budgetary resources through public procurement, concessions and other forms of public-private partnership through the introduction of public-legal institutions of real and objective measures of legality, impartiality, transparency, confidentiality, efficiency and effectiveness, professionalism and consistency.
To form proactively, institutional, research and experimental economic development policies.
To support the Bulgarian state in the development and implementation of policies for the provision of changes and improvements in the implementation of the legislation of local self-government
To support the implementation of European legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria, to establishe partnerships with international legal organizations and associations whose activities are related to local self-government