NALIOG has over 30 (thirty) implemented projects, some of which are:

The project: “Achieving effective judicial reform in administrative justice”. Duration: from 12.02.2021 to 12.08.2022 The main objective of the project is to carry out civil control through monitoring and evaluation of strategies for reform in the judicial system and defining proposals for improvements in the context of administrative justice as an essential part and a pillar of the judicial system in Bulgaria.

As a member of the Cluster of innovative health solutions take his significant role in the implementation of the project “Development of a Cluster of Innovative Health Solutions”, under procedure „Development of clusters in Bulgaria“, part of the Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 which project was implemented in the period 2017-2019.

Project “Transparent and efficient judicial system through the introduction of modern technologies in the Bulgarian court” under OP Good Governance: 07.09.2017 – 08.10.2018. The project included a study of judicial practice in Bulgaria, a study of good practices, a Strategy for optimizing the administration of court hearings, which provides measures to promote civil control in judicial proceedings and an information campaign to reach the general public and target groups of the project, incl. providing conditions for cooperation between the target groups.

Project “Stimulation of economic exchange in the cross-border region Montana – Pirot” under the Program for cross-border cooperation under IPA Bulgaria – Serbia in partnership with the Municipality of Pirot: 2013-2014. Main part of the project activities included profiled economic and market analysis, organization of business forums for shearing best practices, establishing business contacts and the development of a strong institutional cooperation for the Bulgarian and Serbian enterprises from priority export sectors to enhance their competitiveness, their degree of internationalization and to enter or expand their market positions.

The „Modern Approaches for Enhancement of Trans- border Cooperation: Cooperation and capacity building of business entities aiming at diversified and strong economy in the cross-border region” project, under Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, implemented in the period 2013-2014 in partnership with Local Employers’ Association for Small and Middle Enterprises (LEASME) Calafat. Project aim was to establish new business contact that will help companies to know each other, to have better understanding of existing capacity and recourses in the region and to add value to their production. Its main goal was to support the development of strong, diversified economy in the cross-border region.

The “Future Is in Our Hands” project (Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-Border Programme) was implemented in the period 2011 – 2012 with a project partner – Municipality of Pirot. The overall objective was to establish long-lasting cooperation and to strengthen territorial cohesion in order to improve and diversify the economy. The project was focused on the fact that region is lacking visibility, access to markets and needs based capacity building. Project activities include training modules, conferences and research. It prioritized his actions and activities for further cooperation development through newly established network.

Project “Improving the skills of non-governmental organizations for interaction and dialogue with the administration” at the Ministry of State Administration, 2008 – 2009 focused on significant improvement of the skills of NGOs for cooperation and dialog with public administration when these organizations are part of target adoption of resources from European programs, co-funded by the Structural funds and the Cohesion fund of the EU, these organizations to be prepared for the project development and management, funded by the EU, to be acknowledged to the legislative and normative requirements which these projects require.

National project “Bulgarian model of public-private partnership for fight with corruption” under Phare program “Civil Society development” 2002 budget line BG 0204.02 with a main objective to enable the Bulgarian model of the Integrity Pact (Public – private partnership) and to increase the public confidence in the spending of public sources and in the public administration procedures.

NALILG (currently NALIOG) won and managed the project “Building working innovation models at regional and national level for effective transition to decentralization” under the program Reform in Local Government of the Open Society Foundation. The project started on November 1, 2003 and ended on 1 March 2004 The main objectives of the project are to define and put into practice the principles and models of cooperation of regional and local authorities among themselves and with the economic and social partners.

“Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of Municipalities to Adequately Respond to the Requirements of European Law”, December 2003 – June 2004, USAID through FLGR. This project of NAVET aimed to strengthen the capacity of the municipal administration to deal with the new laws harmonized with the requirements of the European Union.

“Achieving social transformation through government and citizens in the implementation of the Public Procurement Act”, contracting authority – MATRA-KAP Program of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The project stimulates anti-corruption and open government through enhancing the dialogue between local governments and citizens in the process of implementing the Public Procurement Act.

“Improving the qualification of the leading staff in the local self-government by improving their legal knowledge” – 03.07.2000-31.03.2001, assignor – USAID with the mediation of FLGR;